Every action of the Church should lead to the good of the soul. 


Czech article Každé jednání církve by mělo vést k dobru duše, dated  December 28, 2023

The title is a quotation from the Archbishopric's statement, on April 5, 2018, for the Municipal Court. I mentioned this statement in the article Reconciliation at the Price of a Broken Spine. Here I will focus on the good of the soul as presented by the Archbishopric.

The Archbishopric needed to prove that after the 3rd dismission, I should have been employed somewhere else… And so it happened that - during the court battles - the Archbishopric became an expert literally on everything. For example:

1/ The Archbishopric understands the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Ethics of communication with courts about a sick person: our skills - we will use everything to attack the victim of our despotism, not only by a package of lies but also by questioning her illness. And we will tell her through the court that we expect her body to degenerate. And if this does not happen, she probably does not have the disease.

2/ The Archbishopric also understands various medical disciplines. Never mind that they confuse radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy. Both words have radio-. The highlight of the tragicomedy in court in this regard was the attorney's question about why I could not work as a radiology technician because there was a shortage of them.

Now I am writing with insight and irony, but you will surely recognize that such court hearings are physically and mentally demanding for me.

And what about the Archbishopric´s care of my spiritual life? In this case, the Archbishopric is truly an expert on the word. A few years ago, I was told through an Archbishopric's statement for the court that "every action of the church should lead to the good of the soul". So, the good of my soul is not taken care of by the Archbishopric but by the Church itself.

The Archbishopric's letter (reconciliation proposal) dated July 31, 2023, was sent to me and the district court.

The letter notes that the Supreme Court returned the case regarding the 4th and 5th dismissals to the district court, but this is a Pyrrhic victory for me. Why? According to the Archbishopric, the 5th notice was wrongly given so the employment relationship will end anyway.

This is indeed an Archbishopric's helpful action to achieve peace! No judge has yet spoken about the erroneous lawsuit. But why not write it to me and the district court? Then the letter says:

"So let me again offer you peace based on the fact that you are suing the Church, not a corporation, so the search for compromise, goodness, and love should be at the forefront of every negotiation." A proposal for an out-of-court settlement with a re-offer of the decree and service relationship follows this.

In the long run, nothing changes: the Archbishopric acts for the good of my soul, seeking compromise, goodness, and love. I am required to compromise and seek goodness and love. I don't know how to seek that goodness and love.

In the fact that someone has been trying to liquidate me for the fifteenth year (the first dismissal is from 2009) and has forced me to transgress canon law?

The Archbishopric acts for the good of my soul with such love that already in 2019, they wrote to me again through a statement for the court: "...the church is built on hierarchical governance, so it is necessary to submit to the superior's decision when it comes to spiritual issues. If the plaintiff does not like that, she has the right not to participate in the church's life. No one is forced to religious life."

Do they suppose an auto-excommunication? Or how do you call this care of my soul? Do you know what is hidden behind this harsh message - that I do not want to submit to the superior's decision and therefore do not have to participate in the religious life of the Catholic Church? Yes, again and again, that decree and the claim that the hospital chaplain is a cleric in a service relationship.

As I wrote earlier, at the end of 2018, the Archbishopric issued a Directive on the activities of hospital chaplains, which states: "According to the Agreement, a hospital chaplain is a cleric - male or female, priest, deacon or layman...". The directive therefore contains several nonsenses in just one sentence. Cardinal Duka signed it.

I do not reject the hierarchical structure of the Church, but I reject violence against common sense. A Catholic woman cannot currently be a cleric. And that someone endowed with power in the Catholic Church would equate the word cleric (clergy) with the word laity would never have occurred to me in my life.

If I got a message from the Archbishopric telling me to jump off the Nuselsky Bridge, I probably wouldn't respect the hierarchy either if I didn't jump.

I know I'm repeating myself, but I have to say it again: the all-powerful Archbishopric can claim that I refuse to submit to the Superior's decision, even though that decision is contrary to the laws of the Church and lacks something like common sense.

By rebelling against violence to my reason, I stand against "plain standard-setting" (i.e. the Directive on the activities of hospital chaplains), which, according to the Archbishopric, responded to the reality of the demands of hospitals.

According to canon 135 §2 of the Code of Canon Law, "a lower legislator cannot validly establish a law that is contrary to a law of a higher legal power", but this again does not bother the Archbishopric. After all, Rome is far away…

The Prague Archbishopric
• violated several canons of the Code of Canon Law issuing its "plain standard-setting" (i.e. the Directive on the activities of hospital chaplains)
• forces me to apply for a decree based on this directive;
• claims before the court that I refuse to standardize;
• claims repeatedly before the courts, that I refuse reconciliation. Such claims grossly dishonor me in the eyes of the judges. I have refused to act contrary to the Code of Canon Law and I have refused to have my common sense be raped;
• tells me through the courts that I do not have to participate in religious life.

It is hard to imagine better care of the Church of the spiritual and mental life, of the human soul!

However, the above-standard care for my soul still does not end. The trials will continue, even with the witnesses proposed by the Archbishopric and with whom I have known since my youth. These people are supposed to testify to the nonsense that I worked as a chaplain not only in the hospital but also in the Archbishop's Palace.

And so, I will have many opportunities for my psyche to further steel itself. And the drops of phenol will continue to drip directly into the heart of my spiritual life.