Peace at the price of a broken spine?
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Czech version dated October 23, 2023
English version abridged
The case has been going on since the autumn of 2009, i.e. exactly 14 years,
because we have the end of October 2023.
In recent years, the Archbishopric has repeatedly stated that it has offered a generous reconciliation, but I have always refused. Why this is so, the Archbishopric does not mention it anymore. To paraphrase: We who have power are the benefactors who offer reconciliation. She rejects peace, she rejects our generous monetary gift and even rejects to be employed again.
1/ Ad finance: yes I have repeatedly refused to accept a donation or one-time reward. A reward for what? Why a gift? I have always asked for compensation for lost wages.
2/ Ad ongoing employment of my person: Further employment is conditioned by a service relationship. According to the terms of reconciliation with the archbishopric, I should apply for a decree by which I will become a cleric. If I become a cleric, I will have a service relationship that does not fall under the protection of civil courts. The employment relationship will cease.
Every Catholic will understand that it is nonsense for a woman to become a cleric by receiving a decree, a piece of paper.
I refused and still refuse to become a pseudo-cleric in a service relationship. Yes, and that has been the crux of the matter
still to this day.
3/ And what about the courts? Usually, most of the senate members do not understand what the problem is. It is difficult to explain that in the Catholic Church, there is a difference between a cleric (a man who received the sacrament of ordination) and a lay person who performs pastoral activities, i.e. participates in clerical activities.
I have rejected strictly such a reconciliation that would mean breaking my spine by the Archbishopric's despotism.
I therefore refuse: to enter
- against my will and my conscience,
- contrary to the current teaching of the Catholic Church about women,
-contrary to the provisions of the canons of the Code of Canon Law
into a pseudo-cleric state by applying for a decree to be appointed as a hospital chaplain according to the Archbishop's Directive. This Directive is contrary to all official agreements regarding hospital chaplaincy in the Czech Republic and, in my opinion, also contrary to common sense.
I do this quite consciously, even at the cost of having to litigate the invalidity of the 4th and 5th dismissals, which are the result of my "disobedience" to the Archbishopric´s despotism.
The icing on the cake: "Every action of the church should lead to the good of the soul", Archbishopric claims in one of the statements to the court. On this website, you can see how they do it.