Reconstruction of the Archbishopric's Palace


Czech article Rekonstrukce Arcibiskupského paláce, dated December 18, 2023

On November 14, 2023, a court hearing was held regarding the 4th and 5th dismissal, that the Prague Archbishopric gave me in 2019.
On November 28, 2023, a court hearing was held regarding lost wages due to the 3rd dismissal I was given in 2012.

Enough for one person to withstand it physically and mentally, whether in that one month or in the time that has passed for me since 2009 differently than for other mortals. 
As I wrote in the article Chaos in the Chaos of the Archbishopric of Prague, my chalice overflowed, and I decided to publish and comment on some of the Archbishopric's claims.

The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic required the district court to investigate the situation around 2002 when the employment contract was concluded. 

At the court hearing in November 2023, the Archbishopric´s attorney argued that I was supposed to go to work not only at the Archbishopric's Palace in Hradčany (as stated in the dismissal), but also to Dejvice, which is another part of Prague.  Supposedly around 2002, the Archbishop's palace was under reconstruction. In addition, I had should to move around in several hospitals.

According to the employment contract 2002, my original working hours were 8 hours a week. I don't know - I don't have the gift of bilocation and the archdiocese didn't offer me a jet :-)

The reality: 
1/ The reconstruction of the Archbishop's Palace took place in 1995-1998. You can check these years on Google or in the palace, where the memorial plaque is located.

2/ The Pastoral center managed by Mons. Opatrný, never moved from the Archbishopri´s palace to Dejvice. Reason? The Pastoral center was established by Archbishop Vlk in 1991 in Thákurova Street in Prague 6 (= Dejvice). See the charter: 

3/ I was never included under either the Pastoral or the Catechetical Center, I was only subordinate to the Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Care (Mons. Opatrný), who simultaneously led both centers. 

The Archbishopric to be successful in court with the 4th and 5th dismissal, originally had to prove that I was supposed to work not only in the hospital but also in the palace. However, as always, the case developed. The Archbishopric claims I should have worked in other hospitals, at the palace, and even at a detached workplace in Dejvice. This mountain of lies and nonsense has been embellished by the claim about the reconstruction of the palace. The timing does not fit at all, but the powerful and all-powerful Archbishopric can claim anything.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the gravity of a lie is measured

  • by the nature of the truth it distorts,
  • according to the circumstances,
  • by the intentions of the liar,
  • by the harm done to those who are its victims.

But the gravity of the lie is apparently of no concern to the people from the Archbishopric who make up these and many other lies. After all, everything is the fault of the plaintiff, who started the dispute and has refused the peace. The main thing is that we will win and we justify it before the courts. So, our conscience is clear. 

I can continue to hope that the lie has short legs (sometimes too long for my taste, in terms of my time of life) and that the 4th and 5th dismissals will be found invalid.