Chaos within the chaos of the Prague Archbishopric
I continue in a different way than I had intended because the chalice of my patience overflowed during November 2023. Better said - the chalice has spilled.
The Czech article Chaos v Chaosu Arcibiskupství pražského is long, and it is impossible to translate it to English without commentary on local conditions. That is why I prepared here only a summary.
District Court, November 14, 2023, subject: 4th and 5th dismissal.
The judge asked whether the defendant's attitude had not changed after the
Supreme Court returned the case to the District Court. The Archbishopric´s attorney
No. We keep offering reconciliation... We have offered reconciliation
repeatedly, ... simply Mrs. plaintiff claims that she cannot accept the decree
because she is not a cleric because she is a woman, we claim that the decree
she can accept…
The old problem that is repeatedly described on this web.
My comment: I am - a Catholic woman - a cleric without ordination at a time when two irreconcilable camps can be observed in the Catholic Church. Some wish for the ordination of women at least as deaconesses (women would become real clergy by accepting deacon ordination). In contrast, others faint from the idea of women being ordained as deacons.
We have a progressive archbishopric, don't we?
During the court hearing, the Archbishopric's attorney confused catechesis and pastoral care, healthcare chaplaincy, prison and army chaplaincy, different catholic institutions, etc. Therefore I called this article Chaos within the Chaos of the Prague Archbishopric.
The attorney also claimed that catechists used to go to hospitals. I was supposed to work in several places in Prague, where I should point out the Christian principles of faith and preach the gospel. He also said I should never have worked only at the General Teaching Hospital.
The truth: Since January 1998, I have always worked and should have worked at the General Teaching Hospital in Prague.
The Archbishopric is to prove its claims at the next court hearing, which will take place in the spring of 2024.