Easter 2024
This is already the 15th Easter when I hope the Resurrection will come after Good Friday. However, the tortured and crucified Christ remains in the tomb of my heart. Will there ever come a Sunday morning when He, the Living One, will call me "Mary" and I, like Mary Magdalene, would call him "Rabbuni"? Will there ever come a Sunday morning when only the bloody white stripes of linen with the imprint of His dead face and dead body remain in my heart?
I can ask in a completely civil, secular way without biblical metaphors.
As a victim of the church's despotism, I wait and wait, hopelessly opening myself to the hope that its doors will close again and again as the surface of a body of water on which someone has thrown a stone and silence has fallen. Forever?
But since it's Easter, I'm going back to it. Is it the silence of White Saturday? Is it the calm before the storm? Or is it an eternal dead silence that has silenced and will silence forever everything that would want to break through to life with Truth to truth?
In January 2024, The Prague Archbishopric filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic regarding my lost wages since the 3rd dismissal in 2012. The lower courts significantly moderated the lost wages, i.e. reduced them, the Prague Municipal Court even by 50%.
Despite the injustice I felt from the judgments of the district and especially the municipal court, I did not file an appeal to the Supreme Court. However, the Archbishopric filed an appeal (January 2024). The reduction of the amount owed has not been enough for them, they believe that the moderation should reach 90 %.
Like everything concerning my person, this is a tragicomic situation, too. On the one hand, the demand for such high moderation, on the other hand, however, from the text of the Archbishopric´s appeal, I learn that "The merit of the dispute is the fact that the plaintiff is/was employed by the appellant in the position of hospital chaplain. This position is rather voluntary and is not honored in the amount of a regular salary, because it is a church mission, not a business."
So, you see, my pastoral, chaplaincy work in the hospital, which has been
paid more like a volunteer's reward, has been punished by five dismissals,
court proceedings of which are now in their fifteenth year. And, the Archbishopric
demands a 90% moderation of this "staggering" amount of lost wages since 2012.
However, money is not everything, because, on May 13, 2024, there will be another
court hearing regarding the invalidity of the 4th and 5th dismissals, i.e. the
continuation of the Archbishopric's continuous effort to get rid of one
Just a brief reminder - the fourth and fifth dismissals were given to me
for not showing up for work at the Archbishop's Palace, even though I had a contracted
job in the hospital. The district and municipal courts concluded that I should have worked
as a hospital chaplain in the palace. However, the Supreme Court had a
different opinion, overturned both judgments, and sent the case back to the district
court. The district court will decide again on May 13, 2024.
The Archbishopric demands their three witnesses to appear in court. These persons are to testify that from the beginning of my hospital
pastoral work, I should have worked not only in the hospital but also in the
And so, I have no choice but to ask another question. I cannot ask Quo vadis, Domine? - like Peter in Sienkiewicz's novel.
But I may ask, and do I ask Quo vadis, Archiepiscopatus Pragensis?
How far does malice towards my person lead you? To Golgotha, where will you
crucify me?